Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Dark uncertainties and sun-lit blossoms

April 12th, en route to Fukushima...

Four different earthquakes/aftershocks have already interrupted my travel. The first two led to a late arrival into Narita airport and the decision to either set out with darkness, rain, and half-working trains or hole up in a hotel for the night and try trains or buses the next day. The darkness and decision was eerily similar to the night I left Fukushima several weeks ago, not knowing how far transportation would get me or where I would stay. There I was--same darkness, same miserable feelings of cold and confusion...

But I awoke this morning, after the blessing of finding a cheap nearby hotel, to the sunrise and cherry blossoms gently swaying in the breeze--dainty pink petals decorating what had been, three weeks ago, bare brown. And it struck me again that darkness and dread do not--will not--last forever. And it's good.

...I'm currently on a train. I still don't know when my train will move or when it will stop, when alarms will sound and the earth will shake...I do know that this is the slowest ride I've ever experienced from the airport into Tokyo. :) And I look at the thinly-masked anxiety on the faces around me and know that dread and uncertainty are real things. BUT...through the window the sunlight streams in, and pockets of pink blossoms are everywhere throughout the city...and I am making a conscious decision to remember that more real and certain is God's creative grace and abundant provision.

A month ago, right before this whole earth-shaking journey started, I began a list of thanksgivings...will you let me continue it now? It seems appropriate timing...and a way to think of "whatever is true, noble, right, lovely, admirable..." (Phil. 4)...

I'm thankful for:
- the beauty of blossoms in sunlight, safe flights, hours of sleep in a warm location, trains moving this morning...
- so many conversations, questions, prayers, gifts, and other encouragement from friends and family in America
- meeting my new niece, hugs from grandparents and others...
- unabashed smiles of joy from my brother and his bride on their wedding day
- walks among quiet birches, mugs of coffee, and shelves of old books
- games of boggle, good-natured family competition, laughing 'til the tears come
- the unique grace and mystery of love

...and now I can add that I'm thankful for bags finally set down on the floor of my apartment, sleep on my own futon, morning coffee with Cindy, and the opportunities (yet unknown) with students today... :)



  1. Glad to hear you made it back safely. I enjoyed seeing pictures of you on Eric's facebook page and talking to him about the visit. I look forward to actually meeting you someday. :)

  2. What delightful reminders of the grace God bestows upon us each day in the seemingly simplest of ways. You are wise to appreciate the sunlight and blossoms, the hugs and the tears. Thank you for sharing with words that are truly honest and eloquent.
