Monday, March 14, 2011

Watering hole conversations

We just came back from a long discussion at "the watering hole," during which we discovered that our nearby neighbor is a former English teacher who studied abroad in MN years ago...Who knew?! The very cute Japanese couple swapped stories with us and ended the conversation with an invitation to visit their home in the future.

This makes me smile. Not the destruction...not the fear, or panic...not the tight faces of those who still don't know the whereabouts of loved ones...but these conversations and introductions, and this life lived together...down by the watering hole or out on the street, discussing toilets and the shaking ground and helicopters bringing supplies and studying abroad and the location of the church.

In other news, during my wanderings today I found many more people wearing masks and overheard fearful comments regarding the radiation from the nuclear power plant. It's supposed to rain here tonight, and there has been a strong wind all afternoon, and we are hearing that people have been warned to wear masks and avoid having rain touch their skin. I'm not sure this is really necessary...we'll see what happens tonight. Cindy and I did decide that we won't try to drink the rain water. :)

Tomorrow starts the normal class week for us...please pray for wisdom and words to share with students who might come...and please continue to cover these water-hole conversations in prayer.

1 comment:

  1. I found your blog today and was so happy to hear about your ministry and also the safety of the congregation and people who are so dear to me. Please pass on my best wishes and take care. Many are praying for your safety.
    Heather Ball (Dombrosky) VYM 1997-2001
