Tuesday, February 15, 2011


"Hey, sensei, why were you at Izumi Lutheran Church? I see you there sometimes..."

The first-grade boy from the after-school program had stopped mid-throw, sweating, smiling, and holding tightly to the rubber ball in case I decided to disregard the respite and continue the ball-stealing game by knocking it out of his hand.

I had no intention of passing up the opportunity for conversation, and having just come from an English school board meeting, I answered by saying, "I work there. I teach English there."

...Now I sit, coffee in hand and Bible open to Colossians, thinking of all "my kids" at the after-school program and how much they are loved, created special by the Father. And I'm wondering why I didn't say something like, "I work at the church. I talk about Jesus there. Do you know Jesus?"

Sigh. Is it because it wasn't the right time? Because I'm so focused on my "practical" job that I forget the actual purpose of my English teaching? Because I'm scared to offend? Because I'm influenced by those around me who worry about money and student numbers and logical living concerns? Because I'm more interested in raising numbers in my classroom than sharing meaningful words of which I may never see the fruit?

I scan Colossians, searching for wisdom and asking for the right words for today. I pray for the kids, thinking of the new gentleman who came to English class last night and abruptly told me that he liked to read the Bible, even though he isn't Christian. I pray that God draws my kids just as he drew that man. I think of Exodus, our reading in English Bible study, and the many times God states, "I do this so that Egypt will know that I am God..."

He wants to be known, works to be known. And this is comforting, even in times of regret or when I need words and guidance for today.

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