Friday, August 27, 2010

Richness in Fukushima

"Kami-sama wa ichiban 'rich' dakara..."

The simple words and smile of my pastor's wife made it look as though she were talking about the weather, not fielding discussions and questions about finances, the future, etc. "Because God is the richest..." she said confidently, in her no-nonsense way. How do we know that we're doing ok? How do we know that everything we need will be provided? How do we know that the very logical worries we have are no match for God's abundance? "Because God is the richest..."

Yes and amen... :)

While working in Niigata with my pastor and his wife, I was often struck by the bold comments of faith that came from both of them. When others seem completely discouraged...when I have no idea what to do...when worries and questions abound...comments about God's everyday love and faithfulness bring relief similar to a cool breeze bringing relief on a hot day.

My pastor's wife made that comment on Tuesday afternoon. Today is Friday, and every single day this week has shown us new people coming into the church, asking about classes, etc. Tonight Cindy and I received a telephone call--"A new high school student is here and wants to talk to you before joining a class! Can you come back to the church quick?" We threw our dress clothes back on and ran to the church, exclaiming as we went about the people God continues to bring into the church.

The words of my pastor's wife have stuck with me this week because I often try to give people what I do not have, or I try to work to produce a certain result that only God can give. So often--even in English class--I find myself searching for energy, enthusiasm, and outward joy to give to my students, so that they feel comfortable and enjoy learning. I forget that what everyone really needs are things stemming from God's abundance--mercy, grace, forgiveness, love, joy, peace, purpose and meaning...

I am richly blessed in working with my pastor and his wife! Cindy and I just learned earlier today that on Sunday, our pastor's wife will be heading to Tokyo for surgery. She's going to have a biopsy taken of a growth that could be cancerous, and if it seems dangerous or cancerous, the whole growth will be removed. The surgery is scheduled for Wednesday. Please, all of you who are reading this, remember her in prayer! Along with praying for a successful surgery, I am praying that God will remind her every moment of His abundance...just as God uses her frequently to remind me!

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