Friday, July 22, 2011

Summer prayer

We were all in the car, trying to retrace our steps since the earthquake and coming up with words that spilled out in ache and fear and deep tiredness. The question was raised, "What is a joyful activity right now? What do you look forward to?"

The car was suddenly silent. I know there is joy here. Some days...many days...I choose it because I must, and because God says it's free for the taking in Him.

Later, people passing by must have wondered at our rag-tag group in the parking lot--some pajama'd, rubbing sleepy eyes...some holding landscaping tools used during the day...some whispering translations in English, some stumbling through Japanese. Bursts of laughter bringing quick light to serious faces.

The day had thrown wild punches...and it was just a reminder of all of us, trying to give our best and having our best be...not good enough.

My best English class can't bring relief from fears of radiation.
Pastor's best sermon can't free people's grasp on old wounds.
The best and most carefully planned time of prayer doesn't automatically prove God is worthy of praise for those who doubt.

Maybe it's a bad thing that I always try to give everything I can do before I just settle down and give times of prayer. Why does prayer always get put as a "last resort" on my list of job skills?

Freedom, healing, peace, faith, joy, hope...I know the Source from which they come.

So in the dark, in the parking lot, after sharing about the attempts and failures that pile up and take the breath right out of us, we decided to pray through these next weeks.
Pray thanksgiving, to lift our eyes and see the Provider.
Pray repentance, to grasp awe of His Holiness.
Pray life and hope, because the One we call Father is also the Author of Life, making streams in deserts.

Wish to join in?
6:30am (Japan time)/4:30pm (MN time), Tuesdays through Sundays for the next three weeks, following the three prayer themes listed above...or anytime, holding this place and its people up before the King and Father...

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