Friday, July 30, 2010

Prayer Relay

For as crazy as working with people is sometimes, I really like what it teaches me about prayer. I've been struck so many times since coming here of the difference I see again between my faith and prayer life here versus at school. Now, I really enjoyed and grew through my years at Concordia, St. Paul, so I'm not saying that my faith life was just pushed to the side...but I could push it to the side if I so desired. Tests, papers, jobs...with almost everything that I did, I could expect that if I put in a certain amount of work, I would reap a certain reward---whether that reward would be a good grade, a paycheck, etc. It feels quite different here, working with people. Cindy and I have had hours of discussion just trying to understand each other--and we speak English! Then there are all the added dynamics of ministry and faith and life in Japanese. Before every single class that I teach, I find myself praying that my students come in with open hearts and minds--because no matter how well I've planned the lesson, a bad mood or harbored bitterness or fear can really ruin it!

So many things outside my control...(which reminds me, the subject of control is a topic for another posting...)

But the cool thing is that because of my lack of control, I am reminded often of my lack and God's abundance, my sin and His life, my sickness and His healing, my small goals and His overarching, good plans... And I find that so often, I'm poised, pushing to keep a door closed that I think will only lead to pain...only to find God opening the door and bringing blessing through sorrow, life through death, faithfulness in all His promises...

Starting tomorrow (Sunday here) after church, we're going to be taking turns praying at Fukushima Izumi Church for 24 hours...just one day of having people pray. My students are intrigued at the thought of a prayer relay--they know what a relay race is, and it is funny that the same thing can be a form of prayer! Want to join us? It's a good time of intentionally focusing on the fact that we are not in control, and we need God's guidance and the Holy Spirit's blessing...

More to come... :)


  1. How did the prayer relay turn out? I think he was trying to copy IHOP. Why do people think that through their many words that they can pressure God to act? See the story about the priests of Baal on Mt. Carmel and Elijah. Better if prayer was listening more and talking less maybe then what would result would be more God's Kingdom that would come rather than an attempt at the (religious) kingdom and order of man to take its place. Seek His kingdom first... not to make him bless ours in Jesus name.

  2. His kingdom lasts forever
